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Thursday, May 3, 2012

140 Character Slant

Doctors save lives in order that their patients get their second chance that everyone deserves to have, whether they know the person or not.

Every year millions of people see doctors for various reasons. These working-class heroes put their own lives at risk every day to save those of the citizens who are plagued by unexpected injuries and illnesses. A doctor survives by providing help to others, having strength, and keeping their composure through the hard times they may encounter.

One way a doctor shows his dedication to saving lives is by helping others.  During Tim Delgado’s private time with his wife Alison Bedingfield, Bedingfield suffered from an aneurysm while lying in bed.  Acknowledging that his wife was having an aneurysm in his article, “Saving a life: A doctor’s duty” Delgado took action.  With Bedingfield struggling to breath and gurgling in pain, Delgado being a Med. Student knew he had to do a tracheotomy. Delgado told himself, “I have to do this.” Without Delgado performing the tracheotomy Bedingfield would have died.  When Delgado is at work his worst fear is having a family member come in injured and not be able to help them.  According to Delgado in his article he felt like he had been “stabbed in the gut” after realizing his patient was his wife. With composure being a key part of a doctor’s job, Delgado loses his, which could mean life or death for his wife.  With his wife’s life at stake Delgado’s instinct kicks in and he begins to give order for medicine to be administered. This ultimately was the wrong amount, but was corrected by nurses silently!  As a doctor’s key role being to help others when in need and keeping their composer at the same time, Delgado illustrates in his article, “When it comes to family, composure is the last thing on a doctor’s mind.”

In order for a doctor to perform his duties to the patient’s best interest he/she must have strength. In Delgado’s article, he shows that with help a person can “achieve small but significant milestones!’ With his wife needing love and a care taker, Delgado left work for three months in order to care for her. While his wife was in the brain clinic she was able to improve her mental abilities by teaching herself new shapes and objects on an iPad. In “Saving a life: A doctor’s duty”, Delgado says, “over the course of two weeks she re-learned motor skills and regained hand-eye coordination enough to go home.”  In order to get Bedingfield back to her normal life, Delgado worked every day for two hours exercising to build her back up. Determination played a key part in Bedingfield’s recovery process. As Delgado stated in his article after she was standing on her own again,”You don’t need me anymore.” This took great determination to get to this point.  Without a doctor having the strength and determination to help his patient get well, then the will to keep going isn’t as high!

In order to save their patients, doctors will go to some extreme measuring by providing care to the wounded by performing surgeries if need be. In Tony Adame’s article,”Surgeon saves lives in dangerous places” Eric Nott was shot while on duty in War and says,” A couple of millimeters one way and I don’t get hit at all… a couple of millimeters the other way and its pretty bad.”  With surgeons in the military, a surgeon could be at war one minute and helping earthquake victims the next.  According to Nott, “I told them I was getting ready to go into surgery, but I would leave as soon as it was over.  A couple of hours later, I was on my way to Haiti.’ That is a great example of how doctors will never know when or where they will be providing care for the wounded. “An orthopedic surgeon saved my life. When my local doctor identified a tumor of the pelvis, he said I need an orthopedic oncologist”, said Kermit Tucker.  Providing a life line to their patients is a major part of a doctor’s job!  After meeting Dr. Nicholas, Tucker says,” His knowledge kindness and confidence convinced me on the spot that he was the doctor for me. And I am glad.”  Dr. Nicholas is a good example of how important it is to doctors to provide care for the sick and go to extreme measure to save someone’s life.

Without doctors helping others, having strength, and performing surgery when surgery is the only way to save someone’s life, many people would not have lived as long as they have now.  What would you do as a patient if a doctor did not have the will or strength to help others or perform surgery if it meant saving your life!

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