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Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Theme Word

I chose the word achieve because I want to get more accomplished in 2012 then what i did in the past years. This year is the big year.  The year that I turn eighteen and become a true adult.  As I look back over the past few years, it seems that I have sorta quit trying as hard as I used to. 

At the age of 17, I have learned that it is time to mature with life and put the childish actions behind me.  As time has pasted over the last few years, I have not changed like I should have.  With me turning 18 in a few months brings new responsibilities into play from my adolescence years to adult hood.

With being a child/teenager comes a few responsibilities, not like adults though.  Becoming an adult to me means finding a job, getting a college degree, and having a family (way in the future).  I chose the word achieve, because  I have set goals to get a college degree and obtain a stable job and living condition within the next ten years or so and am ready to meet and surpass my goals.  Life is meant to achieve at new things, learn new stuff, and meet new people not to fail and do nothing.  Live life setting goals and achieve them all without pausing for a minute until they are complete.

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