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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Current Connections

- What's the author purpose?
 To describe the outcome of the Theater Shooting.

-Does the author accomplish his/her purpose?
Yes, he descibes how many people was injured and what the police's reaction to the conflict.

- What idea do u agree with?
I agree with the number of victims that was injured in the shooting and that when the police went to arrest him he did not resist arrest.

- What ideas do you disagree with?
I do not disagree with any of the infirmTion that was provided in this article.

- What do you not understand?
The do not understand the reason why he done the shooting to begin with.

- What Connections can u make with the text? (world)
When i thunk of this text, the article reminds me of the many school shootings that has happened in the past.

- How can I become a more active participant in my learning?
By participating in all events that are done in or outside of class.

- How can I take responsibility for my learning?
By doing all assignments that are assigned and have them conpleted and turned in by the time in which the teacher said.

Bucket List

1) The Percy Jackson and the Olympians
2) Hunger Games
3) The Graveyard Boy
4) Fire
5) Alligator Bayou
6) Kick
7) Ball Don't Lie
8) Keeper
9) Exposure
10) Max

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Call of the Wild: Book Review

Jack London Call of the Wild intrigued me with its characters and adventures of the pack.  Buck is an example of a leader that if was only human would be the leaders of great nations. Call of the Wild was a great book that kept me interested through the whole book.

Call of the Wild is a book filled with characters with great strength,adventures filled with endurance, and zeal to survive and become a leader.  Buck would be the best examples I can use for having a zeal to survive. From the beginning Buck endures hardship when he is taken from his owner in California and taken to Alaska,. but instead of giving up like a quieter, he takes his problems head on and becomes a leader. 

The whole way through the book the author shows how everyone has great strength to keep going and not sop . For example, when Buck and his team makes the long trip across the ice and cuts the travel time down by almost half. To me this shows that each and everyone of the members have the strength and want to work together as a team get the job done.

The endurance of the adventures to me was the biggest aspect of all three presented in Call of the Wild. In order for anyone/anything to survive in the conditions that the men and dogs did they must have the endurance to keep going. Without endurance in the conditions that they were presented with, Buck would not have become the leader he was, nor would the team had made it as far as they did.

Without having strength to keep going, the zeal to survive the horrible conditions, and have the endurance required for the trips, the book to would not have been as interesting as what it was. I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to read a quick read but be interesting at the same time.  When reading Call of the Wild, look for the different aspects of each character and how they adapt to their surroundings as they progress on their journey.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Cost of Life

In my opinion the will to survive is withing evryone. As time advances on, the zeal within each persons or creatures mind grows more and more according to the good and bad experiences that occur in ones mind.

In Titanic Rose and Jack zeal to survive was greater then anyone I have ever seen before. For example, as the ship is sinking instead of Rose and Jack giving up whenever he was locked to the pipe they fought through the water and corridors without quiting being an option.  Unlike the elderly couple that layed in the bed and excepted their fate and died with dignity.

In Call of the Wild  Bucks zeal to live is very evident! For example, instead of giving up whenever the men would beat him and knock him down, he would jump up and go right back at them with strength and fury.  If Buck would have given up he would not have become the leader that he wanted to be and became.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

140 Character Slant

Doctors save lives in order that their patients get their second chance that everyone deserves to have, whether they know the person or not.

Every year millions of people see doctors for various reasons. These working-class heroes put their own lives at risk every day to save those of the citizens who are plagued by unexpected injuries and illnesses. A doctor survives by providing help to others, having strength, and keeping their composure through the hard times they may encounter.

One way a doctor shows his dedication to saving lives is by helping others.  During Tim Delgado’s private time with his wife Alison Bedingfield, Bedingfield suffered from an aneurysm while lying in bed.  Acknowledging that his wife was having an aneurysm in his article, “Saving a life: A doctor’s duty” Delgado took action.  With Bedingfield struggling to breath and gurgling in pain, Delgado being a Med. Student knew he had to do a tracheotomy. Delgado told himself, “I have to do this.” Without Delgado performing the tracheotomy Bedingfield would have died.  When Delgado is at work his worst fear is having a family member come in injured and not be able to help them.  According to Delgado in his article he felt like he had been “stabbed in the gut” after realizing his patient was his wife. With composure being a key part of a doctor’s job, Delgado loses his, which could mean life or death for his wife.  With his wife’s life at stake Delgado’s instinct kicks in and he begins to give order for medicine to be administered. This ultimately was the wrong amount, but was corrected by nurses silently!  As a doctor’s key role being to help others when in need and keeping their composer at the same time, Delgado illustrates in his article, “When it comes to family, composure is the last thing on a doctor’s mind.”

In order for a doctor to perform his duties to the patient’s best interest he/she must have strength. In Delgado’s article, he shows that with help a person can “achieve small but significant milestones!’ With his wife needing love and a care taker, Delgado left work for three months in order to care for her. While his wife was in the brain clinic she was able to improve her mental abilities by teaching herself new shapes and objects on an iPad. In “Saving a life: A doctor’s duty”, Delgado says, “over the course of two weeks she re-learned motor skills and regained hand-eye coordination enough to go home.”  In order to get Bedingfield back to her normal life, Delgado worked every day for two hours exercising to build her back up. Determination played a key part in Bedingfield’s recovery process. As Delgado stated in his article after she was standing on her own again,”You don’t need me anymore.” This took great determination to get to this point.  Without a doctor having the strength and determination to help his patient get well, then the will to keep going isn’t as high!

In order to save their patients, doctors will go to some extreme measuring by providing care to the wounded by performing surgeries if need be. In Tony Adame’s article,”Surgeon saves lives in dangerous places” Eric Nott was shot while on duty in War and says,” A couple of millimeters one way and I don’t get hit at all… a couple of millimeters the other way and its pretty bad.”  With surgeons in the military, a surgeon could be at war one minute and helping earthquake victims the next.  According to Nott, “I told them I was getting ready to go into surgery, but I would leave as soon as it was over.  A couple of hours later, I was on my way to Haiti.’ That is a great example of how doctors will never know when or where they will be providing care for the wounded. “An orthopedic surgeon saved my life. When my local doctor identified a tumor of the pelvis, he said I need an orthopedic oncologist”, said Kermit Tucker.  Providing a life line to their patients is a major part of a doctor’s job!  After meeting Dr. Nicholas, Tucker says,” His knowledge kindness and confidence convinced me on the spot that he was the doctor for me. And I am glad.”  Dr. Nicholas is a good example of how important it is to doctors to provide care for the sick and go to extreme measure to save someone’s life.

Without doctors helping others, having strength, and performing surgery when surgery is the only way to save someone’s life, many people would not have lived as long as they have now.  What would you do as a patient if a doctor did not have the will or strength to help others or perform surgery if it meant saving your life!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jack and Rocky

"Our job is very travail," says Rocky
"Rocky, keep looking," says Jack
"But we have been looking all day," said Rocky
"Just give it a little longer, we will find them, I know it," says Jack
"Fifteen minutes, thats all, not a minute more, I am serious," said Rocky

"Jack,I am sorry, I am tired, we have been looking all day, and the weather is turning brumal," said Rocky
"Okay Rocky, but we have to come....," said Jack
"WAIT, Jack look, there they are," said Rocky, moving towards them with great celerity

"See if I would have listened to u we would not have found them tonight," said Jack
"Your just a lucky dog, what do you know, it was pure LUCK," says Rocky
"I am glad we found them whether by luck or faith," says Jack

"That is right Jack, good job and never give up as I almost did," says Rocky
"Thanks Rocky, for not giving up and believing me that we would find them," said Jack

Friday, February 3, 2012

Life Creation

If I was given the opportunity as Francenstein was to create a life, I would not!  With creating a life comes responsibilities and a considerable amount of time.  I would not want to be responsible for a unwonted life that could possible kill or even seriously injure someone.

My first reason why I would not create a life is because, I would be afraid the life would cause harm to others and be very arduous.  If I was to create a life and the life was to do harm to someone all the actions would be put on me for creating a person that was violent.  Life is not suppose to be created for the purpose of use by humans but to enjoy life as the normal society.

My second reason why I would not create life would be because, life is not a joke or a game life is real.  If a person creates a life such as Frankenstein did, he must not know the value of true life.  I enjoy everyday of life and even the obsticles we may face, and if I was to create a life with option of not knowing  the outcome whether it would be normal or not, I would be putting many at risk including myself.  And with the life having a chance of not being normal I would not create it.

With the chance of some sort of accident occuring in the process to create a life, I believe that the negatives outway the positives.  If a life is meant to be created then the highest power will create the life needed.  I believe no human should try to create another life because we are not perfect ourselves therefore we can not complete something perfectly.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Theme Word

I chose the word achieve because I want to get more accomplished in 2012 then what i did in the past years. This year is the big year.  The year that I turn eighteen and become a true adult.  As I look back over the past few years, it seems that I have sorta quit trying as hard as I used to. 

At the age of 17, I have learned that it is time to mature with life and put the childish actions behind me.  As time has pasted over the last few years, I have not changed like I should have.  With me turning 18 in a few months brings new responsibilities into play from my adolescence years to adult hood.

With being a child/teenager comes a few responsibilities, not like adults though.  Becoming an adult to me means finding a job, getting a college degree, and having a family (way in the future).  I chose the word achieve, because  I have set goals to get a college degree and obtain a stable job and living condition within the next ten years or so and am ready to meet and surpass my goals.  Life is meant to achieve at new things, learn new stuff, and meet new people not to fail and do nothing.  Live life setting goals and achieve them all without pausing for a minute until they are complete.